Minggu, 26 Agustus 2018

Hasil gambar untuk arizn

The global distribution of wealth is severely unbalanced, a problem that has affected every country, community and nation of this earth for as long as we can remember. In recent times we have noticed that the “Status Quo” is being challenged, new and better technologies are being chosen for their disruptive qualities. A perfect example is the birth of blockchain, a distributed ledger originally designed to serve as a payment system. There have been many improvements since the inception of blockchain and the Ethereum network is our point of focus. A blockchain designed as a payment system that benefits from a second layer of functionality that allows for the creation of smart-contracts. Also known as DAPP's these decentralized applications are pieces of computer code that are created by developers. They are designed to autonomously fulfill functions in predefined environments, they operate in a trust-less manner.

Arizn is a South African company with a passion for “Ubuntu” the essence of being human, since 2011 we have set about to effect as much socio-economic change as possible by developing an accountable, liquid and transparent crowdfunding platform.

Our History
The Arizn Project was started in 2011 and solidified as a proprietary limited company registered in South African in the year 2013. The original founders were initially involved in Venture Capital funding of large scale development projects with a focus on socio and economic development. As a company Arizn (Pty) Ltd. has always set about to effect as much change as possible. We continue to work with government agencies and non profit organisations to develop frameworks that empower entrepreneurs in the SADC region, which includes five countries. We have been involved in many projects over the years and we have strong ties in the community, we have developed a network of over 300 location based Arizn community ambassadors. Our grass roots involvement is key to or continued success in understanding and identifying development projects that affect the widest and most positive of change. We have helped restructure deals to secure re-investment in life sustaining projects that feed and provide jobs for thousands of people. We maintain these relationships today and have been providing free blockchain awareness and use case seminars to our partners since 2016.

Our Vision
We see a free and fair future that is based on transparency and accountability, a venerable utopia where good ideas are well packaged and showcased to the global crowd of potential backers. A network that transcends the normal constraints of traditional capital markets, one that rewards founders and backers equally. We believe that by empowering entrepreneurs with our platform we will improve the options of the average human being and speed up advancements in every commercial and non profit sector.

Our Mission
We will deliver a compliant, ethical and profitable platform, that ensures accessibility, liquidity and transparency throughout crowdfunding process and into the secondary token exchange market.

Market Overview
The global crowdfunding market came into full swing around 2011 when verified financial performance proved billions of dollars had been raised on over 400 CFP's (crowdfunding platforms). The figures have grown immensely since then despite obscure and inaccurate data, we are looking at a market with potential in the trillions of dollars.

Here are some recent statistics :
Alternative finance has a potential value of $3.3 Trillion
annually Early stage investment has a current value of $ 300 Billion Estimated revenue : $70 Billion
 Crowd Funding Portals : 1250 Equity based crowdfunding is growing at 410% or more per year.
Crowdfunding has created half a million jobs all over the world.
Unaccredited investors provide over $100 Billion in crowdfunding capital annually.

The crowdfunding market is divided into the following Sectors :
- Accredited Investor Only Equity Crowdfunding Platforms
- All Investor Equity Crowdfunding and Mini-IPO Platforms
- Real Estate Crowdfunding Platforms
- Peer-to-Peer Lending Platforms
- Angel Networks, Secondary Markets, Venture Exchanges, etc.
Our ALT token wizard is able to provide solutions to support each of these sectors. The Arizn ALT token (AALT) forms the basis of our network and is used for all financial transactions on the platform.

Arizn - Overview
Arizn is a web and app based platform that allows anyone to create a compliant crowdfunding campaign that is transparent and rewarding for backers.

All the usual functions you would expect to see on the surface. All functions are carried out on Arizn but because the smart-contracts created for all campaigns are compiled to the main network they can be interacted with outside of Arizn. It makes sense that Arizn will be the platform of choice as users benefit from the pooling of the community and the highly liquid market this activity creates.
The first step for any user on our platform is to get AALT tokens, the base currency of both platforms, Arizn and LiquiDEX. AALT tokens are used to fund campaigns and to pay for all additional services including trade fee's at LiquiDEX.
1. Register/Login
2. Verify identity
3. Verify project
4. Create campaign – Set target amounts, incl. Soft cap, hard cap, equity issuance, stake pr product tokenisation, vesting periods, loan repayments, governance profiles, disbursement timeline, development/project goal stages, dividend and profit share.
5. Supply supporting docs
6. Community discussion platform
7. ALT Token wallet creation
8. ALT Token creation, minting and disbursement
9. Promotional add ons
We are running our token sale on Arizn so this gives our funders a chance to experience the Beta version. Our users create an account and verify their identity with our KYC/AML system. Once this process is complete they will have access to the platforms functions. They will use the wizard to upload their business plan, executive summary and any other supporting documentation including marketing material and official documents. The wizard will walk a founder through our a series of questions that encompass ove 2000 variables. Once complete the wizard will generate and ECR20 smart-contract that is able to automate the crowdfunding campaign The contract will include a range of functions, features and rules that can be tailor made to create an advanced, automated and well thought out plan to not only funds the project but engages with backers and includes them in the project. This creates a truly connected relationship that will encourage the overall success of the project and not just the funding of the campaign.

Here are the details about the sale of tokens and Roadmap of ICO:
• Price 1 AALT token i.e. 0.0001 ETH.
• 60-day sales Period with the possibility of an early finish according to the ultimate purpose of the ICO.
• The purpose of the expanded after ICO begins is impossible.
• Availability of token is as much as 1.2 billion.
• Emissions adjusted if there are tokens that were not sold will be burned or destroyed.
• Type of payment accepted is the Ethereum (ETH) and fiat money.
• Destination Softcap as much as $2 million (have reached).
• The purpose of Hardcap as much as $25 million.
• Disbursement token will be conducted on October 10, 2018, or 2 weeks after token sales close.
• The address of the Wallet from Arizn ALT Token (AALT): 0xb89cae06c883c48245795d70f19c91cfb1e46d23
Private pre-sale (completed)
• 1 ETH get up to 15,000 AALT tokens with up to 50% bonus.
• The number of tokens that are provided as many as 110 million AALT or about $2 million.
Pre-sales (26 June – 26 July 2018)
• 1 ETH get 14,000 AALT tokens with up to 40% bonus.
• The number of tokens that are provided as many as 98 million AALT or about $2 million.
Crowdsale (27 July-September 26, 2018)
• 1 ETH get up to 13,000 AALT tokens with a bonus of up to 30%.
• Arizn has released 1.2 billion tokens with provisions for tokens that are not sold will be burned or destroyed.
Budget allocation Softcap:
• 27% for Product Development
• 19% for Marketing, Sales, Merchant Acquisition & Partnership
• 12% for Operations
• 6% for legality
• 10% for Management
Budget allocation Hardcap:
• 27% for Product Development
• 19% for Marketing, Sales, Merchant Acquisition & Partnership
• 12% for Operations
• 6% for legality
• 10% for Management
• 20% for Buyback Rounds and Exchange liquidity
Development Roadmap:
• July 2013
Project Arizn was founded. They started by identifying the needs for funding in decentralization in developing countries.
• March 2017 – Has Finished
Doing the development framework setup of ETH ERC20, ICO/DICO, commercial P2P (Peer-to-Peer), shifting assets and governance.
• July 2017 – Has Finished
Alpha testing testnet used at Ropsten. Successfully resolve some bugs associated GAS, API lag a with lazy DNS
• September 2017 – Has Finished
Closed Beta testing used at Ropsten. Successfully run 4 ERC20 templates using the Wizard. And there is no problem when it bought ICO/DICO.
• March 2018 – Has Finished
Closed Beta testing 2.0 used in Ropsten. Additional Testing and a successful Asset Shifting, DAPP (P2P), BTC, BCH, ZEC, and LTC Cold Wallet testnet.
• June 2018 – Has Finished
Deployment of a beta version to the main network Ethereum at ICO and mode of social networking. Used for token sales campaigns.
• November 2018
It will do a test platform Open Beta 3.0 (Ropsten), all features will be available, making the ICO or DICO, Shifting on ALT, ETH, ZEC, LTC, BTC, BCH wallet, 200 + token wallet, and promotional features
• December 2018
LiquiDEX at Ropsten or Open testnet/hackathon. More details TBA.
• February 2019
Arizn will do a full test platform at Ropsten testnet, which is the final stage of testing.
• June 2019
Do the official launch of the platform in crowdfunding mainnet, which is the day of the launch of the feature in full.

For information ;
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ariznnetwork
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Arizn3
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClLriZETajkLeALZkCGqwiQ
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ariznproject
Website : https://www.arizn.network/
Telegram : https://t.me/ariznnetwork
Bitcointalk Ann : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4637613.0;all

Author : malokro92
My bitcointalk profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1150409
eth address: 0xccB92B73a847ED0a2e7Ee11b9144b57Dc9a8FC51

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