Kamis, 16 Agustus 2018



A blockchain-based e-commerce system that is decentralized, global, secure and personal
Commitment to all consumers, easy safety, privacy and global consumption
Several types of accounts to support a perfect business scenario


Basic account types, such as transfers, transactions, uploads or offline products and services, buying and selling merchandise services, setting up personal homepage, making smart contracts, private chats, and other activities


The store has more features than accounts, but there are some limitations. The store has most of the features of the store account can contain stores and accounts inside, the store itself can be a large platform Certain activities of the store have certain privacy restrictions


Smart contracts are written in complete Turing language and run on virtual machines. This can complement many functions. Including insurance, logistics, security, virtual products and other scenarios using the Contract. Privacy in the Yooba business is also provided by smart contracts. Give zero-knowledge proof, ring signatures, and other privacy options for users to choose.

Improved highest consumer experience

  • Blockchain accounts can be used on many service entities
  • One login, multiple use, exposure information is 0
  • Covert transactions, hidden chat, authentication without knowledge and other encryption technologies protect the entire process
  • Freedom of consumption, freedom of service

Only born for business

  • The perfect account system to support a rich business scenario
  • Stores can contain stores, accounts, for large platforms, possible localization stores
  • Multi-layer structure, credible multi-layer intermediary to protect consumers
  • Upload or release merchandise anywhere, anytime

Perfect mobile experience and features

  • Users can upload any goods and services anywhere
  • Users can customize the homepage to their liking, or use a template
  • Along with commodities or service providers and consumers in one place
  • A rich search feature allows you to find whatever items or services you want
  • You can communicate with your provider to determine more details.
Some technologies support global business transactions

Security, Privacy

  • zk-SNARKS - zero-knowledge evidence, signatures and other flexible privacy mechanisms to access smart contracts, protect confidentiality in all transactions
  • Various encryption algorithms, used in chat, transaction, storage and others, to protect data from leaking


  • 2 ~ 3 seconds block time, low latency, faster verification speed, higher performance
  • Hundreds of thousands of transactions per second, to meet the needs of world commercial transactions with a large number of requests
  • The advanced voting mechanism ensures that the blockchain is not destroyed

Close to reality and solve various real needs

  • YOO tokens, in addition to their own value, can also be used as a currency to support the circulation of various business scenarios in yooba.
  • Physical goods, virtual goods, and various services can be provided and consumed in yooba

Cloud computing, artificial intelligence, storage, and other service providers access Yooba for free

  • Various merchandise of users, porches, etc. Stored in space provided by many service providers and users, and provides a lot of backup
  • Cloud computing, artificial intelligence, insurance as a basic service, applied to other commodities in yooba, shops, etc.



Design and implementation of Yooba's core functions

  • Stand on Ethereum to support the DPOS. Save, account, contract three account integration
  • Introducing zero-knowledge evidence, ring signatures, etc. to increase privacy
  • Join a data storage solution (IPFS) to provide services such as items that require more space
  • Add common smart core contracts to provide services for complex account structures, insurance, virtual products, etc.

yoobajs, Cellular API library

  • yoobajs, Cellular API libraries, and other forms to expand yooba's capabilities
  • Support the community to create several applications and services using yooba

Optimize storage, networks and other protocols, optimize the yooba system

  • Increase hordes, whisper. Form a set of storage and the Yooba communication protocol itself
  • Design various types of cooperation agreements between accounts in yooba
  • Design an agreement to access third party yooba services

Testnet, Mainnet, Wallet

  • Create a test network to collect problems and optimize the network
  • Mainnet plans online in 2019-04-01
  • PCs, cellular wallets, including online product features
  • Add multiple virtual products to users
  • Find the problem that is being used and correct

Introducing various business scenarios in yooba

  • Create a concise decentralized store to guide users to recognize and use yooba
  • Promote yooba to the public and introduce some heavyweight service providers
  • Make a complete tutorial and documentation
  • Yooba's business is decentralized management and governance

Build complete ecology

  • Introduce insurance, logistics and other basic service providers to build ecosystems


For more information about Yooba, visit our official link.

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